developed the Linear Tape Open technology to make possible steady, particularly
thin and sub-micron magnetic coating techniques. Maxell patented NeoSMART
technology that helps in improvement of the Maxell LTO4 Tape
to new heights of brilliance. NeoSMART and efficient calendaring procedures acquired
terrific high efficiency and improved dependability for read and write competence.
A built in non-contact enhanced 8KB LTO-CM Memory chip able to stores most imperative
and historical practice records and allows high-speed data access by the drive throughout
loads and unload developments. The Memory chip also do important task as an analyzer,
indicate the unlike problems associated to the cartridge, and Ultrium drive
during precious information transactions.
The most
excellent quality metal particles and coating methods with the help of Maxell
NeoSMART technology amplified the base film sturdiness and facilitates to have better
recording compactness on same half-inch wide and 820M long tape. The Maxell LTO4 tapes capable to have 800GB native and
1600GB compressed capacity with improved 896 data tracks, The fast and stable
data transfer speed of 120MB/Sec native and 240MB/Sec compressed also improved
the generally performance of the next generation cartridge with extra upgraded advantages
to the customers. Superior capacity and quicker speed are the most predictable
and useful characteristics that better and transports the next generation
cartridge to new heights.
The Maxell LTO Ultrium4 Tapes are accessible in WORM (Write
Once Read Many) cartridges that offer first-rate guard to compliance regulatory
based information and put off this information from overwriting, wipe away, and
wavering from unofficial access. New approved hardware based AES at 256-bit
encryption innovation, which check data from loss and unofficial access, and
keep the data transfer speed even during load and unload routes. The Maxell LTO
Ultrium offer dependable compatibility with all developed Ultrium 4 tape drives
and computerized libraries with first-rate backward read and write capability.
Maxell LTO 4 media cartridge presents exceptional increase in capacity, speed
and provides better archival protection through WORM and AES.